When and Why To Teach Your Baby How To Sign

by | Jan 31, 2022 | News

Baby sign language is a trending topic with researchers, and many parents attempt to teach hand gestures to their children to improve speech and language development. While many websites claim that sign language can help babies speak sooner and develop a larger vocabulary, there is little research to back up these claims. However, there are still benefits associated with infant communication techniques. Here is everything you need to know about teaching infant sign language to improve speech and language development: 

Myths and Truths of Baby Sign Language 

Many parents have questions about the effectiveness of using sign language to improve infants’ speech and language development. A 2013 study found that sign language will not improve the language skills of typically developing infants. While this study found some evidence that sign language may help promote infant communication in babies with weak language skills, it is too soon to draw any overall conclusions.  

However, the same study found that teaching sign language may help parents bond with their children. Parents who teach these techniques are often more attentive to their children and more tuned in with their needs. It may also build children’s confidence and promote their ability to communicate with the adults around them. 

Baby Sign Language Tips

You can try techniques if you decide to teach your baby sign language. While signing may not have a huge impact on your child’s speech and language development, it is still worthwhile. Follow these infant communication tips: 

  • Pay attention to your child’s nonverbal messages: Try to pay attention to nonverbal actions and listen to your child’s sounds. Pause often when interacting with your children and give them a moment to send messages back. Make eye contact and realize that your child is sending messages you never noticed.
  • Use natural gestures: It is not necessary to use formal sign language with your baby to communicate. Use natural gestures such as pointing, nodding your head, and shaking to communicate with your child. Utilize facial expressions and variations in your tone of voice to convey various messages and feelings. Repeat these natural actions and give your baby the chance to model after your gestures.
  • Avoid ambiguous or actions representing broad concepts: Do not use the same actions to convey too many ideas. You want to separate actions and help your child learn a variety of individual gestures. For instance, have one sign for “more” and do not confuse it with other concepts. Many signs are overgeneralized or confused by children and can inhibit language development. 

Be your child’s advocate when trying any infant communication technique. Be your baby’s interpreter whenever possible and support exploration. Encourage your child to use actions with other children and other adults. The more you use nonverbal communication, the more natural it will become for your baby. 

Work With the HEAR Center

Are you concerned your baby may have speech or hearing issues preventing them from communicating? The HEAR Center specializes in providing hearing and speech services to people of all ages.

Contact us today to learn more about our services or to make an appointment:

Call or text: (626) 734-6555

Email us at: appointments@hearcenter.org 

Chat us: https://direct.lc.chat/13342371/

Also, for more information about our speech and language services please visit our webpage: https://www.hearcenter.org/services/speech-language-pathology/