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Understanding the Difference: Picky Eating vs. Feeding and Swallowing Disorders in Children
Parenting brings numerous challenges, and one of them is dealing with a child’s eating habits. It's common for children to exhibit pickiness with their food, but when these issues escalate, they might signal a more serious problem such as a feeding or swallowing disorder.
What style of Hearing Aid is Right for me?
Knowing which hearing aid is right for you depends on your lifestyle, the severity of hearing loss and your cosmetic preferences. While there are several options in both over-the-counter and professionally fitted hearing aids, customizing a solution for your hearing with an audiologist produces the best results.
The Role of Reciprocal Commenting in Speech Development
When you think about how you communicate with others, you probably imagine some form of reciprocal commenting. This term means that two people speak back and forth to one another.