What Is An Audiogram?

What Is An Audiogram?

Some amount of hearing loss is expected as people age, but a rapid progression of loss can represent the need for medical intervention. As people mature, they will typically undergo several hearing exams. As a child, you likely took a hearing test or two, and once you...
New Trends in Hearing Aids

New Trends in Hearing Aids

Basic hearing aids help those with hearing loss process sounds, and they have helped millions of people to have a better quality of life since they were introduced. The first electric hearing aids were invented around the turn of the 19th century. Today’s advanced...
Protecting Your Hearing Aids in Water

Protecting Your Hearing Aids in Water

Hearing aids are an essential tool for the 30 million people over 12 who suffer from hearing loss in the U.S. There are a variety of different types of hearing aids that work in different ways, but most function by receiving sound through a microphone and amplifying...
A Quick Progression of Closed Captioning

A Quick Progression of Closed Captioning

For deaf populations, closed captioning is essential for providing a text alternative to audio dialogue and the audio cues that are necessary or relevant to the program’s soundtrack. Closed captioning keeps deaf and hard-of-hearing populations abreast of the...
The Four Parts of a Hearing Aid

The Four Parts of a Hearing Aid

Most people know that hearing aids help their users to hear more clearly, but few people understand exactly how they work. Today’s technology has introduced many advanced features now available in hearing aids, but every hearing aid from the most basic to highly...