Protecting Your Hearing as a Musician
Being a musician is among the most common dreams or aspirations of young people. While they might want the fame and fortune of record label discovery, they rarely consider the risk music can pose to their health, especially hearing. Safe sounds include a range of...
Occupational Hearing Loss
According to the CDC, chronic hearing loss is a big problem among adults. It’s the third most common chronic physical condition that affects U.S. adults after hypertension and arthritis. The CDC reports that about 24% of hearing loss among adult workers is due to...
How Hearing Loss Affects Mental Health
Most types of hearing loss have organic causes. Problems may develop with inner or middle ear structures. Neurological issues can also affect how our brains convert and interpret sound data received by our ears. But how do such conditions affect our mental and...
Over-The-Counter Hearing Aids
Americans Soon To Benefit From Affordable Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids The Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid Act of 2017 recently gained full implementation. This result comes five years after Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) first sponsored the bill. A final rule by the...