While there is a time and place for certain medications, one thing that patients should be aware of is that they all come with potential side effects. Ototoxicity refers to damage of the ear due to medication use. Not all meds contribute to hearing loss, but it is a...
Hearing issues tend to disproportionately affect older individuals. However, they can impact children. Some hearing impairments, such as those caused by ear infections, may be temporary. Meanwhile, others are present from birth. Perhaps your child’s healthcare...
Hearing loss becomes more common as people age, but youth doesn’t guarantee exemption. Even newborns can experience hearing loss, putting them at risk of delayed language development. Fortunately, pediatric hearing tests can identify issues early, ensuring...
Understanding hearing loss on an anatomical level can be overwhelming. Many different mechanisms in the middle ear, inner ear and outer ear play crucial roles in hearing. For a basic overview of how we hear, it helps to tackle the three sections of the ear...
Your ears give you access to the many wonderful sounds in the world: a symphony, the songs of birds, the laughter of children and the purling of water in a stream. As you age, though, you might experience a loss in your ability to hear the full range of sounds. This...
Swimmer’s ear is a common problem affecting both adults and children. Symptoms of an ear infection from swimming present similarly to those of an inner ear infection, and children can experience considerable discomfort until beginning treatment. People need to be...