Early Intervention for Hearing Loss

Early Intervention for Hearing Loss

Untreated hearing loss can have numerous negative effects, which is why early intervention is important. The Journal of Healthcare Communication estimates that between 1.5 and 3 million children have significant hearing loss that affects their development. Treating...
5 Tips to Encourage Toddler Speech Development

5 Tips to Encourage Toddler Speech Development

Just as a child’s physical growth is essential for good health, speech development is also critical for a full and healthy life. Proper speech doesn’t happen by chance; it takes intentional action from caring parents. These tips can help parents encourage...
Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday is known around the world as a day dedicated to spreading kindness and generosity. Learn more about this global movement and find out how you can be a part of it. What to Know About Giving Tuesday Giving Tuesday was launched in 2012 through a...
Accommodations for Children with Special Needs

Accommodations for Children with Special Needs

Children with disabilities sometimes have different needs when it comes to learning and development that require additional attention. There are three main types of plans in place to help children and their families get the care they need: IEPs, IFSPs, and 504s. While...
Central Auditory Processing Disorder

Central Auditory Processing Disorder

Central auditory processing disorder occurs in between 3% and 5% of Americans, according to Hear-It.org. While this condition is poorly understood, it impacts millions of people in very real ways. So, what is CAPD? Are there therapy options available? This brief guide...


While there is a time and place for certain medications, one thing that patients should be aware of is that they all come with potential side effects. Ototoxicity refers to damage of the ear due to medication use. Not all meds contribute to hearing loss, but it is a...