The 5 Levels of Hearing Loss

The 5 Levels of Hearing Loss

Although recent medical breakthroughs and technological improvements have benefited the treatment of hearing loss, hearing impairment cases continue to increase worldwide. Without treatment, the severity of hearing loss can accelerate over time and lead to other...
How To Cope With Hearing Loss in Social Settings

How To Cope With Hearing Loss in Social Settings

Whether you have experienced hearing loss due to age, overexposure to noise, or a medical condition, learning to adjust to your new normal can be challenging. Social gatherings can be especially difficult, as they often take place in noisy settings that make hearing...
How To Treat Ear Infections

How To Treat Ear Infections

Ear infections occur when bacteria or a virus trap fluid in the space behind the eardrums. These middle ear ailments are the most common reason children see medical providers. Ear infections can cause pain and inflammation and should be treated as soon as possible....
Central Auditory Processing Disorder

Central Auditory Processing Disorder

You may understand the needs of people with dyslexia, various developmental delays, and autism spectrum disorder — but have you ever encountered someone who can’t understand speech in a noisy room even though you know his or her hearing is fine in other...
Help Your Child’s Speech Development at Home

Help Your Child’s Speech Development at Home

Every person uses some form of expression to communicate. Pointing at an object, using sign language and verbal speaking are all forms of communication. For children who have hearing loss, speaking properly can be frustrating and challenging. One way you can help your...


You likely know the feeling of your ears popping when you are at different altitudes because of the changes in air pressure. While the change seems harmless, did you know that you risk injury to your ear any time you are in a literal high-pressure situation? Whether...