Simple Reading Strategies for Kindergarteners

Simple Reading Strategies for Kindergarteners

Entering kindergarten marks a milestone in every child’s education. As they begin school and start to learn reading, parents should do everything they can to support their kids’ development and help them master the new skills they’re learning. One of the most...
Three Myths of Being Bilingual

Three Myths of Being Bilingual

Today, more people in the world are bilingual than monolingual. In addition to making communication easier across cultures, learning another language has cognitive advantages. Research shows that people who speak two languages can multi-task better than those who are...
What are Speech Language Pathologists?

What are Speech Language Pathologists?

For every 1,000 births in the U.S., it’s estimated that two to three children have hearing loss in one or both of their ears. Many of these kids will attend school and struggle due to their disability, yet remain undiagnosed. Luckily, though, many will receive the...
Understanding the Importance of Ear Protection

Understanding the Importance of Ear Protection

Many people do not acknowledge the importance of ear protection, and even if they do, they do little to protect their hearing. Hearing loss is not always a consequence of genetics or aging. Sometimes, the loss is related to noise exposure.   Everyone experiences some...
How Can I Communicate Better With the Hearing Impaired?

How Can I Communicate Better With the Hearing Impaired?

Hearing loss is one of the leading disabilities in the U.S. Approximately one in eight people in this country over 12 years old has significant hearing loss in both ears. About 2% of these people are considered deaf or profoundly hearing impaired. While hearing loss...
How Hearing Loss Affects Students

How Hearing Loss Affects Students

Pediatric hearing loss is sometimes the undiscovered root cause for challenges in the classroom. However, aside from having profound hearing loss or being deaf, a broad spectrum of students are hard of hearing due to prolonged or short-term causes. Often students are...